My WareHouse Gym Check list
To get there you have to be focused, set ultimate goals, sacrifice of all the distractions that will delay you from your ultimate goals. It's simple to say then done. I am still a student at this, but you know what, it is more fun to know what you want to do then be stressed of what you are not doing.

my own goal setting/ check list
Crossfit fitness coach (1month)
and warehouse gym (1 year)

I wrote a posted note on my laptop to remind myself
"do at least one thing today to get me closer to my ultimate goal, warehouse gym"
Things i have done the past 2 months to get me closer to ultimate goal

I bought enough equipments to have my own studio or garage gym ( now i started with just a barbell and every week I would get a different equipment, some are free others are made or bought cheap on CL)
I have now:
2 barbells,1 curl bars
1 squat cage w/ pullups/rings
500 lbs of Oly metal plates
3 jump ropes
set of dumbbells ( 10-40lbs)
100 squarefeet of mats
1 bench
1 jump box
1 big tractor tire
2 white boards
1 sledgehammer

I just paid the Crossfit course and certification in 3 weeks

To fund my operation i sold some stuff i don’t need on CL and ebay, I also worked 80 hours a week, it can be difficult but you know what if you see the end result nothing can stop you.
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